Icelandic Agricultural Sciences (IAS)
Icelandic Agricultural Sciences (Icel. Agric. Sci.) that until 2002 also was named Búvísindi, is published annually, or more frequently. The journal is in English and is refereed and distributed internationally.
IAS ISI Impact Factors 2020: 0.800 – 5-year IF 2016-2020: 1.034
What´s new
6. September, 2024. Today we published the second article in volume 37 (2024) in IAS on-line.
Free access to all articles from 1988
Icelandic Agricultural Sciences is published annually, or more frequently. The deadline for submitting manuscripts that are intended to appear within that year is September.
Reviewers guide
So far as possible, Icelandic Agricultural Sciencepeer review process relies on electronic communications among authors, editors and reviewers.