Icelandic Agricultural Sciences is published annually, or more frequently. The deadline for submitting manuscripts that are intended to appear within that year is September. The journal is in English and is refereed and distributed internationally. It publishes original articles and reviews written by researchers throughout the world on any aspect of applied life sciences that are relevant under boreal, alpine, arctic or subarctic conditions. Relevant subjects include e.g. any kind of environmental research, farming, breeding and diseases of plants and animals, hunting and fisheries, food science, forestry, soil conservation, ecology of managed and natural ecosystems, geothermal ecology, etc.
The journal is sent to all major agricultural university libraries and is since 2009 it is listed as an ISI journal in the Thomson database. That means that all articles published in Vol 22 (2009) and later are indexed in the ISI Web of Knowledge. It is also indexed in the CAB Abstracts, the BIOSIS database, the SCOPUS database the CrossRef database and Google-Scholar search engine, and as such it is internationally established.
Icelandic Agric. Sci. is published by a consortium of universities and research institutions in Iceland:
Agricultural University of Iceland (Landbúnaðarháskóli Íslands)
Icelandic Forest Research (Rannsóknastöð skógræktar, Mógilsá)
Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (Hafrannsóknastofnun)
Institute for Experimental Pathology, University of Iceland (Keldur, Tilraunastöð Háskóla Íslands í meinafræði)
Matis – Icelandic Food and Biotech R&D (Matís)
Soil Conservation Service of Iceland (Landgræðsla ríkisins)
The Icelandic Agricultural Advisory Centre