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COVER AND CONTENTS OF VOLUME 37 (2024)   Ólöf Guðrún Sigurðardóttir, Einar Jörundsson, Vilhjálmur Svansson, Eygló Gísladóttir, Lauren Tryggvason and Sigurbjörg Torsteinsdóttir Well-developed immunological tissue is present in the rostral oral cavity of horses as...


Printed copy of the instructions, download here Icelandic Agricultural Sciences (Icel. Agric. Sci.) that until 2002 also was named Búvísindi, is published annually, or more frequently. The journal is in English and is refereed and distributed internationally. The...


Icelandic Agricultural Sciences (IAS) Icelandic Agricultural Sciences (Icel. Agric. Sci.) that until 2002 also was named Búvísindi, is published annually, or more frequently. The journal is in English and is refereed and distributed internationally. IAS ISI Impact...

Icelandic Agricultural Sciences 18 – 2005

18 – 2005 – Contents GUDNI THORVALDSSON and H. TAPANI KUNELIUS Growth temperature effects on nitrogen concentration in shoots and roots of seven temperate grass species – 3 SUNE DJURHUUS, LARS KROGH and MOGENS H. GREVEEstimates of the carbon stocks...

Icelandic Agricultural Sciences 16-17 – 2004

16-17 – 2004 – Contents TORKELL JÓHANNESSON, KRISTÍN BJÖRG GUÐMUNDSDÓTTIR, TRYGGVI EIRÍKSSON, JAKOB KRISTINSSON and SIGURDUR SIGURDARSON Selenium and GPX activity in blood samples from pregnant and non-pregnant ewes and selenium in hay on scrapie-free,...

Scope of Icelandic Agricultural Sciences

Icelandic Agricultural Sciences is published annually, or more frequently. The deadline for submitting manuscripts that are intended to appear within that year is September. The journal is in English and is refereed and distributed internationally. It publishes...

Búvísindi 1-1988

Búvísindi 1 – 1988. Efnisyfirlit Sturla Friðriksson: Rofhraði mældur – Erosion rate measured. – s. 3-10. Áslaug Helgadóttir: Leit að hentugum grastegundum til uppgræðslu á hálendi – In search of suitable grass varieties for reclamation purposes...

Búvísindi 3-1990

Búvísindi 3 – 1990. Efnisyfirlit Friðrik Pálmason og Bjarni Helgason: Samanburður á aðferðum við greiningu á nýtanlegum fosfór og kalí í jarðvegi – Comparison of methods estimating available phosphorus and potassium in grassland soil. – s. 3-11....

Búvísindi 10-1996

Búvísindi 10 – 1996. Efnisyfirlit Friðrik Pálmason: Formáli – Preface. – s. 3 Stefán Aðalsteinsson: Störf dr Sturlu Friðrikssonar – The work of dr Sturla Friðriksson. – s. 5-8. Tryggvi Gunnarsson: Ritskrá dr. Sturlu...

IAS 2004-2018

Icelandic Agricultural Sciences 37 – 2024 Icelandic Agricultural Sciences 36 – 2023 Icelandic Agricultural Sciences 35 – 2022 Icelandic Agricultural Sciences 34 – 2021 Icelandic Agricultural Sciences 33 – 2020 Icelandic Agricultural...